An Open Letter to DC Comics & Warner Brothers: “Dear Idiots…”

It’s Called Writing (It’s Not Hard): TAKEN 2

An Exhaustive Ranking of Star Trek: TNG’s Serialized Plots (Pt. 2)

6 Reasons The DCEU is Now the Bizarro Marvel

The One Thing Keeping THOR: RAGNAROK From Absolute Perfection

It Took 40 Years, But NASA Finally Developed the Bionic Man’s “Dream Chaser”

Everything Wrong with Advertising and Society is Evident in This Miami Herald Article
So today as I was sharpening my favourite broadsword and reading Flipboard, this interesting article flipped into my feed. By “interesting” I mean “annoying.” The story is all about the 15th anniversary of a semi-famous and half-remembered advertisement for Coors Light beer. So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to launch a new feature here on WOT: FERGUS THE AD CRITIC. Join me, by Crom!

An Exhaustive Ranking of Star Trek: TNG’s Serialized Narratives (Pt. 1)
I, Fergus the Justifier, have taken it upon myself to evaluate and rank the most prominent and important serialized narratives in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Much of this undertaking was excruciating and painful, taking my soul to dark places I had long ago sworn never to revisit. Journey with me now to the past – and the future!