America! The NRA is Coming For Your Guns!

According to this article on CNN, the NRA has announced that it supports a review of bump fire stocks to see if they are in accordance with federal law. What the–?

Friends, our constitutional rights as law-abiding machine gun owners are under attack! The alt-sensibles have co-opted the NRA and taken over. This is not the time to be talking about gun control. That time is never. Here is a direct quote given to *cough**cough* from an anonymous source within the NRA executive:

“We kind of figured it was enough with the guns, already.”

Do you see? Do you see? Alex Jones has been right about everything and Hillary has begun using her crystal skulls to mind-control the whole damn nation.


The “Clenched Fist of Truth” is unclenching! Soon the government will be sitting right beside you on your couch in your home – where your wife sleeps, where your children play with their toys – hogging the TV remote and hogging your Cool Ranch Doritos. In your home!

In all seriousness, though, WOT applauds this recent decision by the NRA. I honestly never expected anything like this to ever happen. It’s a first step on their part and I think a very important one. They have finally realized that nobody wants to take anyone’s damn guns. Just things like, y’know, military-grade machine guns and rocket launchers. Let’s just hope this is a real thing and not just some…

Oh wait.

“What the NRA has said is we ought to take a look at that and see if it’s in compliance with federal law and it’s worthy of additional regulation,” LaPierre said of “bump stocks” during an interview on Fox News.

But he cautioned: “That being said, we didn’t say ban [them], we didn’t say confiscate [them].”

LaPierre and Executive Director Chris Cox announced their support of regulating — not legislating — the so-called “bump stocks” in a joint statement released Thursday, seemingly in a move to stave off a larger fight over gun control reform in Congress.




As I was grabbing the link to “Imagine,” I started to get caught up in watching the video and tuned my sound back up. But then I noticed that there were screams and gunfire mixed into the song. I was like “Huh. Someone has mixed some screams and gunfire into the song.” Perhaps they are making a comment on the duality of man. But then I realized that the CNN page was still open and the gunfire audio was from a Vegas video. A fitting metaphor, to be sure, but also further proof that there is just no escaping this madness anymore.


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