Welcome and thank you for enlisting in the War on Terrible! 

Things are truly terrible and terrible are things! Truly! Movies are now terrible. Actors are terrible. Politics is terrible. Music is largely terrible. The wagers of Terrible have long declared war upon us – the intelligent minority of logic and good taste – and so now let war be declared back upon them, by Crom!

To infinity! Stamp stamp no erasies!

Everyone who writes for this blog is damn smart and genetically cursed with supernatural perception! We see through the publicity and the lies. The taste of hypocrisy berserks our brains! We perceive the failings and shortcomings of all! We will mark them! And rebuke them!

Much like the War on Dirt, the war waged by this blog will be largely ineffectual, cyclic and endless. We know this. Our weapons of mice and opinion have the potency of laundry detergent. Like, duh.

Hollywood will never listen. Empty-headed pop music junkies will never learn.

But such is life. If for nothing else, let this blog then stand as an oasis of reason encircling a gigantic lightning rod for rage. Join us in releasing our fury into the winds and momentarily embrace the illusion that anything we say or do makes a goddamn difference.

But wait, wait, wait – – don’t turn tail and click away. It’s not all bile and disappointment! We won’t give into the Dark Side fully, we promise. Sometimes fighting the Terrible means championing the good! There is still good in the world.



Obi-Wan once felt as we do…

Now, onward to WAR!!!!


The W.O.T. team

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